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Are there any methods to prevent or reduce juvenile delinquincy?


Juveniles who end up having to face the juvenile justice system are often crying out for help. While it might not seem possible, it is sometimes possible to prevent these misguided youths from embarking on the path toward criminal behavior. When a juvenile does begin to exhibit signs that he or she will follow the wrong path, it is sometimes possible for early intervention programs to help stop the juvenile in his or her tracks.

When is early intervention suitable for juveniles?

It has been found that intervening early in the juvenile’s journey down the wrong path is the most effective time to try to stop the behavior. By trying to stop the behaviors early, there is a better chance of getting the behaviors under control and helping the youth to learn more effective actions. From a financial standpoint, early intervention is a more cost-effective solution to the issue of juvenile delinquency than waiting until the youth needs intensive interventions, such as secured supervision.

What points should a program geared toward juveniles address?

There are six points that the programs must address. These include creativity, health, community, work, relationships and education. These six points are the basis of the youth’s life. They help to meet the asset needs of youths, which are attaching/belonging and learning/doing.

For parents who have a child who is already in the juvenile justice system, the intervention and positive youth programs might still be something to consider. These programs often have elements that can help to prevent the youth from having more issues with the law in the future.

Source:, “Prevention & Early Intervention,” accessed June 28, 2016

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