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Will your SSDI payment increase if your condition worsens?

When you are finally approved for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) benefits, it can be a huge weight off your shoulders. However, if you are like many SSDI recipients, you may have some questions.

A common question is if your benefits will increase if your condition worsens.

The short answer is no. While this may be disappointing to hear, there are a few reasons this is the case.

Disability benefits aren’t based on the severity of your disability

When someone is approved for disability benefits, their earning history determines the amount they receive. SSDI does not factor in the severity of your disability. These benefits aim to provide you with payments equal to what you would receive if you continued working until retirement age.

Understanding the definition of a “full disability”

The SSA (Social Security Administration) will investigate your injuries and disabilities when determining if you will be granted benefits. If you are classified as “fully disabled,” this does not change just because your condition worsens. As a result, your payments remain the same.

Can you lose benefits if your condition improves?

While your benefits will not ever increase, your benefits may be reduced or ended if your condition improves. You must undergo regular evaluations of your medical status to determine if you are still eligible for benefits. If the review concludes you can return to work, then you will no longer receive benefits.

Protecting your rights to SSDI benefits

Being approved for SSDI benefits can be challenging; however, once approved, you have the funds needed to support yourself and your family while you cannot work. Understanding how the process works and your legal rights will help you understand how and why your benefits may change.

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